Administration Learnership 2024

Area: Lichtenburg, North Wes
LEARNERSHIP: Conventional Administration


On the off chance that you are energetic about turning into a pioneer inside the professional workplace, this program
will furnish you with hypothetical and functional understanding and direction concerning what is expected for you
to be a fruitful pioneer and director.

The hypothetical part will cover the accompanying modules: 

HR 

Activities 

Client Relations and Business Education 

Money and Business Numeracy 

General Administration

Least necessities: 

Appraisals should be regulated for choice purposes 

Just those competitors who are not presently utilized will be thought of 

A Grade 12 testament with a normal of 60% 

Graduates will likewise be thought of 

Presently living in the North West area

The accompanying will act as a suggestion: 

PC Applications Innovation as subject on optional school level

Abilities: 

Powerful relational and relational abilities. 

Should be client situated 

The capacity to work freely and as a feature of a group 

Headed to accomplish greatness in accordance with NWK’s goals 

Should be solid and capable

Length: 

1 year (commonsense and hypothetical preparation will be given).

We anticipate strolling close by you on your excursion for individual and expert development.

Application must be made through NWK’s site. For more data, kindly visit (https:// For any enquiries, contact Simóne Ferreira at (018) 633 1363. Visit our Facebook
page at

The end date for applications is 14 Walk 2024. In the event that you are not welcomed for a meeting in two weeks or less
after the end date, you can consider your application ineffective. NWK upholds the reason for the
Business Value Act and gives inclination to candidates from the selected gatherings. Competitors with
inabilities are urged to apply. NWK holds the right not to fill the position

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