Application Deadline: Not Showed

Sasol is an overall composed manufactured substances and energy association with a 70-year heritage. Sasol places assets into its delegates along each period of the employment way and offers improvement opportunities to help you with fostering your calling in a culture that embraces assortment and thought.

To participate in and complete the Learnership program for doled out principal branch of knowledge.

The year program will offer a speculative part changed in accordance with a NQF Learnership program and useful on­ site work understanding to deal with the capacities and work space execution of section level understudies. It gives essential capacities in capability, numeracy, correspondence, PC and fundamental business norms.

It is sensible for Grade 12 qualified individuals to encourage principal master capacities. During the sensible part Understudies will offer definitive assistance to chip away at the reasonability of bosses and the divisions generally as work status course of action.

The speculative part will cover: Business, Business Assignments, Client support, Business Accounting, Maths Schooling, Social capacities and PC Capacities.

Formal Preparation
Optional School/School Acknowledgment or equivalent

Min Experience
Experience: 0 – 2+ appropriate years

Least necessities
Proclamation of Powerlessness – to be moved with this application

Focus parts
Participate in Learnership program and actually complete assessment process; Partake in completely required work-place status activities and exercises


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